40 E Adams St
Iron River, MI 49935
Michigan’s Spring turkey hunting is almost here. So whether you are new to the sport or a veteran hunter, mark your calendar for April 20th, opening day!
Spring turkey season dates: Apr. 20 through Jun. 7, 2024
(See for hunt unit dates)
Spring turkey application period: Jan. 1 – Feb. 1, 2024
Drawing results available online: Mar. 11, 2024
The spring turkey hunt story in Michigan is truly amazing – our state has made huge strides in wildlife management. Like most states across the nation, there was a time when today’s common animals were either gone completely, or very hard to find. Wild turkeys were once a rarity in Michigan. As you can imagine, the late 1800’s were a different time than the time we live in now. Grocery stores weren’t on the corner, families were clearing land for settlements and hunting regulations were unheard of. Now, everything has changed. Most importantly in the arena of regulations and funding. The Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act (aka the Pittman-Roberson Act of 1937) was enacted. A national coalition of conservationists, backed by the sporting arms and ammunition industry, persuaded Congress to direct an excise tax on those items to a special fund for wildlife restoration.
If you’ve ever thought about giving turkey hunting a try, this is your year! Turkey hunting provides good healthy local protein that you can harvest yourself in a very interactive hunt. You can use a call to sound like a turkey and get one to answer you back! How fun is that?
So when you are crawling on your belly, trying to sneak up on some gobbling toms remember: Only a few decades ago, turkeys were hard to find and only a few people got to hunt them! Today, everyone has a chance!
~ Gobble, Gobble
Welcome to Iron County Michigan
Post updated 3/2024
Hunting, Spring, Things to do and tagged Michigan Spring Turkey Hunt, Michigan Turkey Hunt, Michigan Turkey Season, spring, spring activities, spring hunting, Spring Turkey Hunt. Bookmark the permalink.
40 E Adams St
Iron River, MI 49935
1700 County Road 424
Gaastra, MI 49917
1257 W Ice Lake Rd
Iron River, MI 49935
373 Brule Mountain Rd
Iron River, MI 49935
397 Brule Mountain Rd
Iron River, MI 49935
1968 US 141 Highway
Amasa, MI 49903
Iron County is one of the Upper Peninsula’s best kept secrets. From camping to fishing, hunting to canoeing, mountain biking to forest bathing – no matter your interests, the great outdoors and clear crisp air await you here.